Thursday, March 27, 2014

A little bit of EVERYTHING!

Weekend Times 
This past weekend was glorious. Baby M and I literally had the house to ourselves & we pretty much partied went to the park & ate like crazed gals do. She is not a paci type of girl, sure the picture shows otherwise, but she would not let it go on Saturday! She's very tiny for a 9 month old, so needed some support in the swing. She's pretty into herself as you can see - why smile for the camera, I'll just keep my plug in and give you a gangster face. She's hardcore & hates shoes.  

Good Friends 
So in life sometimes you meet people and you think - How did I not know you before? Where have you been all my life. We are blessed with some great friends, seriously. This particular couple the J's are amazing. They are so down to earth, love you for who you are, love their kids & kids in general. They're pretty rad and we absolutely had a great time on Saturday kicking it, ladies only! 

My Family 
A few reasons why I love Texas. 
1. My family. 
2. The food. 
3. I was born there. 
4. The food. 

I'm sitting at work and a text comes through. . . This picture. Hello beautiful baby niece and adorable nephew. I was not there for the birth of baby E and I have not yet met her. Reason #5,323 why I need a jet and more money & time. I love my family with every ounce in me. Sure they make me go nuts half the time, but they are truly my heart. Little things remind me of them - trips to Walmart, Target, Ice Cream, Windy Days, Bon Jovi ... you name it. I have so many memories of the good times we've shared. I am blessed with 8 brothers and sisters whom will never know just how much they mean to me. 

This happened. Baby M has sandals. I died when I got this adorable picture. Sure the outfit is a hot mess, but she's so adorable. I'm not sure why I'm so in love with this picture, but it's one of my favorites. Little baby feet, I die. 

Sunday I went to the movies with C and we watched this movie. Let's get something straight, I love God and without him I would be nothing. I'm never ashamed of God and I try hard to live by his word, do I fall, everyday and probably hourly. This movie was a great example of how people are tested and how we have to have faith. If you have not watched the movie, you should. It's amazing and will absolutely be purchased when available on DVD. 

Adorable Babies 
So a long, long time ago I moved and met this great gal. She and I shared a lot of similarities. One thing we shared, was the love we had for our significant others. She was dating a hunk whom she met at a job, I was dating a hunk who I met at school/job. We were young and in love, nothing could stop us! She was a really great friend and has stood by me through a lot. It's nice that time has passed and now we're getting to do something even cooler - raise daughters! This adorable baby belongs to her and her high school hunk. She gave birth, a year ago to this little beauty here. Baby L is a great kid and full of life. 

 I can't wait to see where life takes us, but I'm glad to know we were blessed with good friends. The type of friends to see situations through and to hold your earrings if things get crazy. 

The Old Crib
I went by our old house and a window unit is now in the front window. 
I'm done. 

Alright Party Peeps, until next time! 

Friday, March 21, 2014

A Week In Review . . .

Goodness, where does Mercedes begin? 

For starters we attended a wonderful wedding, I mean reception. . . So let's getting the story straight. We moved in December and the craziness started. If you are moving or thinking about moving, do not move during the holidays. Only three Christmas cards were received, my online shopping wasn't easy breezy . . . 
Anyway, back to my story. . . So we are always besties with our neighbors. These neighbors are pretty awesome and will always hold a special place in our hearts. So because of the mail being a mess, their wedding invite was sent back and instead of re-mailing the invite, I asked her to just shoot me the details. Well guess who sent me the wrong time. . . JESSICA, THE BRIDE! So we arrive as the wedding is finishing and we stick around for a bit of the reception. These two are a great couple and in my eyes were already married so the wedding was literally icing on the cake! 

As mentioned above, we left the wedding reception a little early . . . so we could load up on carbs.  We were running a race early Sunday morning and needed to get something filling in our bellies and hit the hay. I ran the Germantown Mayors 5K and C ran the Germantown Half Marathon. You guys, I'm so proud of C. He killed the race and did not even train. He seriously is a beast and I can't wait to see his time next month on his next half marathon. I ran with my brother in law's bib and PR'd my 5K. I too have not ran much these last few months so I was pretty pumped about that. I guess Dr Pepper and Honey Buns are good running snacks, eh? 

Baby M is officially 9 months old. She's wild as ever and happy as can be. She really is a lot of fun and a lot of stress all in one. She wants to put everything she sees in her mouth or throw it on the ground, it makes for a lot of good laughs and some good times. I laugh because people tell me all the time - she looks just like you! She truly was the missing piece to our lives. I sneak up on C and Baby M a lot and he either has her laughing hysterically or she's crying like a wild woman. Whatever the case, when he enters the room her eyes get wide and she smiles. She loves us and I will never take her spirit for granted. I guess that's why God encourages us to be more like children, they're full of goodness until they're 2. 

I started trying to make breakfast because I'm starving when I get to work and want to eat the chips, cookies and chocolate at 9:30 am. So I began my search on Pinterest and have officially had success on three dishes. The first is pictured below. This I would call Heaven because it is a sausage and gravy casserole. Hello, Gorgeous. Then I made a sausage and egg bake that was okay ... but the crust could have been better. Then today I made a french toast bake that needed more baking time, so I have to take C's word and know it's good because he called me to tell me "Thanks, that was pretty good." He was able to try it fresh out the oven since he goes to work later than me.  : ( 

I am a huge fan of consignment sales. I absolutely love finding Baby M's stuff on the cheap! So when she outgrew some other items, I sold those beauties and bought her new items she can love! This little gem was purchased last week and she is learning how to get on and off. She loves the buttons and apparently hates pants. . . Pretty sure I will show this picture at her sweet sixteen... 

We love Elvis, she was Elvis for Halloween ... So when I see some cute baby Elvis gear I gets it. This is courtesy of Lansky's at the Peabody Hotel. I love all the items they have for babies and I'll return to buy more cute Elvis items. She's not so thrilled to be baby Elvis, but she's cute in the gear. 

That's all folks . . . until next time! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Catch Up!

Let's talk about 3 things Mercedes did . . . 


I love Pinterest, like a lot. I have found some seriously amazing recipes & tutorials. I somewhat enjoy crafting and I love the finished product! I'm currently working on making some tikki torches for the backyard, but having not such great luck. I did however... have some luck. I have used these on two loads of laundry. The first was on some blankets and the second load was clothes. The sponges were Scotch sponges and were the "green" sponges they offer. Overall, my only problem is when you ring the sponges, your hands are not drenched in softener. Other than that, we think they work great! I'm a coupon shopper so I have enough dryer sheets for a while, but I will use these for a while! 


It's wedding season . . . I went to my first wedding of 2014 & it was short and sweet! It's always great when you know a lot of the wedding party and when you arrive late and they're already lined up walking down the isle. I'm never late to anything, but I guess things change . . . 


We did something I never thought we would do. Baby M decided about 3 months ago that she would wake up in the middle of the night. The first few nights were wild. She was waking up anywhere from 2-3 times at night. We went from having the best sleeping kiddo to a kiddo that wanted to host cocktail Similac parties at 1, 3 & 5 am. Let's get something straight, I am good on little sleep, I am,  but I have never mastered the art of going right back to sleep. So when I would wake with Baby M, she'd knock out after 20-30 minutes then Mercedes was up for another hour, then she'd be up again. So I was somewhat of a zombie. C is always handy & would absolutely wake up with Baby M, whenever. Well just last week, Wednesday night we put our game face on. She's almost 9 months old and she pretty much runs the show. So Cody and I decided we were going to do the let-her-cry-it-out method. Basically it was well understood that Baby M didn't need anything when she'd wake up, she basically wanted to chat, sing or just be rocked to sleep. So we knew she wasn't hungry, dirty or sick... she just wanted us. So we did it. Wednesday night we let her cry it out at 1 am.It was awful, heart breaking and both of us almost gave in to going to get Baby M, but we didn't. She has officially slept through the night for the last 4 nights. I pray we are through the nighttime parties, but if we aren't, we'll rock the half asleep looks again! Grateful for a healthy and funny baby! 

It's Spring Break around these parts and I love not dealing with school traffic, but I'm giving my teacher friends the I-hate-you looks... as they are off for a whole week. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Hello, Winter. . .

Is it true that I wore shorts and a tee shirt all day Saturday? Yes. 
Is it true that I wore shorts and a tee shirt on Sunday morning before getting dressed for church? Yes. 
Is it true that I almost froze getting to my car after church? Yes. 

What is going on? What did I do to Mother Nature? She's probably mad because I cuss the wind or because I hate rain. She's really showing her true colors these days and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to perform a rain dance repent. 

To some, these pictures aren't bad. I mean to some they enjoy winter. I am not "some." I despise cold weather, I am okay with heat and I absolutely hate jackets, people & socks. The roads are decorated with ice.  
 ICE, ICE BABY. . . 

 This amazing picture was taken while driving. . . I am pretty daring, rebel. 
Here is my front yard. I live in a different state, 20 minutes from work where the pictures above were taken. I'd say the roads are much better where I live. 

Stay classy and safe my friends!