Monday, April 28, 2014


Hello Nashville, TN

What happens when you ask your awesome husband to run a race, an out of town race? 
He agrees. 

What happens when you don't train? 
You almost die. 

What happens when it's 70 degrees when you run? 
You contemplate taking your own life. 

Hello Weekend Recap. 

So in January I asked C to run a race with me, livin' it up in our last months of being 29 . . . 
Well, it sounded great. Then we didn't train, then I didn't check the elevation until the week before, then I became obsessed with honey buns and soda... 

We arrived Friday night and were greeted by the greatest hostess, C's cousin and her family. 
I'm pretty sure no one cared that we arrived, they just needed Baby M. She was treated like a celebrity all weekend, partied with the kiddos and ate more plants than normal. 

I found videos on my phone this morning of these cuties playing with Baby M. In the video Baby M eats some household plants, dirt and almost eats a My Little Pony figure. Making memories should always involve eating. 

 President & Vice President of Baby M's fan club. 

The night before the race our dogs and Baby M hosted a private party. The dogs wanted to walk around the entire room all night, dancing and serving drinks. Baby M wanted to roll around and  host her own dance party in her bed. So needless to say, sleeping before the race did not happen. 

5 am rolls around and we're up to start getting ready for the race. I'm pretty sure C and I questioned loving each other at that very moment. Then to make matters a little more entertaining - traffic was a mess, momma nature was on crack and parking spots were a myth. 

The race is going pretty good, sure the hills are the devil, but overall the 70 degree weather is okay. Then I get to mile 8 and I want to die. I'm not sure what it was, but mile 8 was when I starting seeing Jesus. I saw the light, but resisted, I wanted to finish and get the medal. 

The race was a little different. The hills are no joke and should not be taken lightly. I'm pretty sure C and I will be retiring from longer runs, after we finish the Mercedes Benz half in Birmingham. Overall, I'm good on long runs... I like honey buns and soda, we like not training, we're officially team #5K's. 


Not only did the race provide some heart palpitations, the NBA playoffs are keeping my health at risk. So glad to see the boys pull out the win, tying up the score! Sometimes I can't watch the games, especially the endings. I love Oklahoma and I know a lot of people love their state. I think it's awesome when people support their state! With that, I think it's great to support them when they're up and when they're down. I wore my OKC Thunder shirt during the race and I heard a lot of people say "Yeah, Oklahoma!" It's always good to hear love for my state! 


Storms greeted us on Sunday morning and this morning. Every storm makes me think of Oklahoma. When I was growing up we never took storms lightly. We always listened to the radio and stayed close to shelter, had a plan in case things got really scary. I have only seen one tornado, but I've seen miles and miles of damage. I guess in the storms, I remember the lives lost. While some think about how cool the storm looks, I think of all the people dreading and fearing the worst. When you see devastation in your home town, your state, you know it's real. 
As the crazy weather season approaches, think wisely and plan wisely. 
My morning view of the storms rolling in 

Alright party peeps, make this week super amazing! My evil twin will be in full affect as I take my finals, one week away from graduation week. . . 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Lovely . . .


So Baby M has a fantastic room full of random toys! It is soooo much easier for me to take her in her room and hang out. If not, our living room looks like a tornado and we're constantly saying "M, get off that, hey, stop, don't..." So I love her room. I have found that she is quite obsessed with looking out the window. 
Don't you use your lawnmower as a step too? Let's be honest - yours is probably not pink and it probably doesn't sing the ABC's. 

C is off on Mondays, so he and Baby M party it up. Like when he gives her hot dogs for lunch and she smiles. I die when he sends me sweet pictures. 
 Last week Baby M strolled to Target with me... and became a little devil mid shopping trip. Like you're to the point where your basket is full and you can't start over and don't want to just leave. . . So I did what every amazing parent does... introduced her to Puffs. Let's just say she loves them and I give her one just about everyday now. In this particular picture she's trying to find her puff... 

Nope, Baby M, not in Blue's bowl... 


We went to Dallas this weekend and had a blast. It's nice to be surrounded with family and love. Seriously, our family is a blast - we laugh, eat, play games and really just relax. So it's a tradition, on Saturday mornings, if we're all together, the girls head to our favorite Mexican restaurant. It is hands down the best place for Mexican food. My recommendations are tamales, any breads and burritos! The place is Marquez Bakery and it's right next to the Dallas Cowgirls stadium. 

We're about to walk in and these little bunnies were sitting outside! Maggie is rocking 10 months with the bunnies and my niece is rocking her I-just-woke-up look. 


Let's laugh for a bit. This weekend my niece was heading to her senior prom - AKA big deal! So we're helping her get some last minute things when I ask her on Friday afternoon, "What does your corsage look like?" With a confused and disgusted look she says, "What is that?" So long story short on Saturday afternoon, about 4 hours before prom an awesome floral shop made a corsage and boutonniere for her and her date. The floral shop staff was so nice and they had this adorable fella to greet you when you walked in. He was handsome and Baby M kept saying "Wool." Nope, Baby M, that dog isn't Blue.  

My niece. This is right when she walked out, our family cheering and telling her how beautiful she looked. She, without a doubt is one of the nicest people I know. It's hard to grasp that she's graduating in a month. I remember watching her trot around as a crazy toddler and now it's a joy to see her love on Baby M. I'm so grateful that Baby M has such a great role model to look to. Three cheers for great nieces! 


So Baby M was too busy eating Mexican food to really celebrate 10 months in 
Texas. So we're celebrating a few days late. Some people probably think we're borderline obsessed with Baby M, that's fine. I think when someone has prayed and waited for this gift for so long, it's not really obsessed it's just gratitude & gratefulness. We love being parents, I'll shout it from the rooftop. 


Yesterday was Easter. Yesterday I was in the nursery/kid's area. I love working with kiddos, they're a lot of fun and you can learn sooo much from them. I learned yesterday that shoes are optional, ants love candy and an Easter basket color is important. I also learned that some kids are happy with one egg, one egg, while some are not. In the midst of the chaos, the kids had fun. Mercedes was ready to go cry herself to sleep, but the kids had fun. I encourage everyone to help at their church. Find something to get involved in. C works in the media department, plays the drums and serves as an usher. I work with the kiddos and we really do feel good after we serve. It's really hard sometimes to want to serve, because most of us work full time jobs and the weekends are OUR time, the time to just relax. In the few hours I've spent in the kid's ministry is the times I've learned more than what I ever thought I could learn. 

I learned yesterday that to some Easter is all about candy. In the midst of everything, I saw a lot of sharing taking place, selfless acts by the smallest little kiddos. Oh and Easter is about what happened many years ago. About our God showing his skills in ways no one thought possible. He is alive today more than ever, no grave could hold him. Boom, take that Reese's eggs. 

I learned that not everyone has a lot, but they do the best with what they do have. 

I also learned about how I want Baby M to respect adults. Sometimes kiddos do not respect adults at public places, because they don't have to respect adults at home, but I choose to teach M to respect adults. 

Last, I leave you with what Easter meant to me. Our church does an excellent job of letting the kiddos know they matter. In fact, yesterday our church gave every child an Easter basket, yes even baby M left with a massive-candy-filled Easter basket, that my husband and mother in law will probably polish off today. What I learned is that kid's do not need a lot to be happy, they just need to know they are loved. I saw some kids almost cry when they heard they were getting an Easter basket. The thought of receiving a gift, mattered to them. I guess what I learned on Easter 2014, is that investing in the lives of the little crazy wild kids, is the best thing anyone could ever do. I hope Baby M loves to serve others, it's a blessing! 

Shout-out to Katelynn, she captured Baby M playing with an Easter egg during the hunt at church. . . I'm thankful she deleted the pictures of Baby M eating all of the grass. 

Last, I'm cheering for the Boston runners - run fast, hard and have fun! #BostonSTRONG

Monday, April 14, 2014

God's Timing

God's timing 

In 2005, I married the coolest guy ever. He was my high school sweetheart and was the only person alive that could make me so angry, yet the only one to calm me down! It's true, still to this day, when Lercedes, my evil twin comes to surface, he can shoot me a look that says "Calm the Ratchness down!"

So we started to try and have a bambino in 2007. We were scared about all the what ifs, but we knew we wanted kiddos. In about 2010 we made some doctors appointments that would bring some light to the baby situation. In 2012, we did more tests and were left with even more questions. 

To say we were sad is an understatement. One thing that held us together for so long is our love for God. I would cry alone often and just ask God, "Why us? Why can drug addicts and 16 year olds have babies, but we cannot? What did we do? What did I do, is it just me?" I think this is when God had popcorn and a Dr.Pepper and just laughed. Why? Because I was still in control of this situation. I had a whole team of people praying for us and loving us, but we were still in control. 

Time passed and I begged C to think about adoption. He had mixed feelings about adoption because he knew what could happen. He knew that we could make it to the 9th month of a pregnancy and then the birth mom could change her mind. He also knew he would be there to pick up the pieces and he wasn't sure how that would go. See, I'm tough and I'm a fighter, I will stand toe to toe with danger, but this subject was so sensitive that C knew and he was scared. I was scared, but I knew it was something we needed to do. 

So one night in December, I was chatting it up with God and I said, "This is too much. This situation will be the death of me. We want babies, but I need to understand your timing is not lined up with my timing. I love you and I need you to drive." This is when God put down his drink and got to work. You see... I had no idea, but God was stirring the pot at that very moment. C worked overnight and a good friend, who was also working nights that week, started the baby conversation with C. This said friend, has family members who faced infertility so he knew the sadness and worry that faced this very subject. He'll never know what that conversation will mean to me. I think God used him, working in the trenches of the hood, overnight that week, to talk to C. (Insert an amazing quote - God doesn't call the qualified, God qualifies the called

So I leave for work around 7:15 am, every morning and C hardly ever calls me before I leave for work. My phone was blowing up around 7 am. Lercedes comes to surface because I'm still running around like a wild woman doing my million items on my to do list before heading out the door. I cuss count to ten and answer the phone. C is on the phone and he starts our 10 minute conversation with, "I'm ready, let's start the process." Umm... C whatcha talking bout Willis? He tells me he's ready to talk about adoption and he wants to really fill out the paperwork and get started. 

(My drive to work)
We filled out the paperwork and started the process of talking to different organizations and agencies. I kept thinking, "Am I dreaming, is this really happening?" I have always believed in staying accountable for your actions and telling others about your goals because they can help you in staying on track. . . so at our Ugly Sweater Christmas Party ... I made the announcement to our close friends. I could see the excitement and the fear as they hugged us. Trust me, if you were among the friends, we were scared too. We tried not to show it, but we were terrified! 

Then late one night, after watching a documentary... yes. We're leaving the theater and I have a million missed calls and text messages. It's now almost midnight and said person is asleep so doesn't answer my calls or texts. The next morning she tells me someone we know is looking for a family who would like to adopt her baby. What? Long story short, we adopted Baby M in the middle of June. 

This is one story, I have many more about God's timing. I remember going through this journey and crying my eyes out because I felt so alone, I felt at times that God was allowing these things to keep hindering our adoption. In the end, I know he was asking me, "Mercedes, will you trust me?" God truly never left our side, my side, our family's side. He walked us through this dark time and showed his goodness to us, in time, in his time. 

In closing, I share this story today because just yesterday as C and I are working in the yard, a car stops. We have never met this woman, but she said she wanted to welcome us to the neighborhood and she also, from another neighbor, heard that we adopted baby M. She had some questions, as her daughter and SIL are starting the adoption process. It's funny, because God's timing has always promised some good laughs and some ah-ha moments. We never expected to share our story on a rainy afternoon, with a stranger, while wearing yard clothes and baby M screaming, but we did. 

So I leave you with these 5 pieces of advice:

1. I encourage you to trust in God. If you're like me, you want something NOW, not tomorrow, but NOW! Trust God and his timing. Had he given us a child early into our marriage, I'm not sure we'd be as close as we are now. God needed C and I to work through this trial together, God knew we were strong and knew I was controlling - it's the Lercedes in me. 

2. Tell others your goals and dreams, they'll keep you accountable. It's scary to tell people your fears and secrets, so choose wisely and be honest. Ask for Prayer, see #5. Good time to mention, we're hoping for a sibling for Baby M! 

3. Patience my friend, learn it, live it and deal with it. Does it mean it'll be easy, ha! No, it is everything but easy. Does it mean you'll keep it together, not a chance. I was a mess and still a mess. It's not easy, but the results are amazing. In his time, goodness prevails. 

4. Work together - be together. C doesn't communicate too well, he tends to let things roll or to not speak his mind - opposites do attract, I am the complete opposite. In this situation, I showed every emotion and C was different. I knew he was scared, the times he bites his lip, the moments when he'd ramble during an adoption interview, the questions he had for our attorney or the times I would catch glimpses of him from across the room with fear in his eyes. We were together, so nothing could stand in our way, we were a united force and together C and I can do some damage. 

5. Pray. Prayer is a magical piece of the puzzle. I can pray while I'm driving, I can pray when I'm in the library and I can pray among others. Prayer is a force that works wonders. I encourage you to pray and seek wisdom, talk to God and share your struggles, pray.

Have a wonderful week! 

Friday, April 11, 2014

20 Random-Goodness of Mercedes

I've noticed some of my friends have tagged me in these 20 random facts on instagram... So I'll just do it here and everyone will know! Right?

1. I love the big GOD. He's good.
2. I am a whiz at following recipes.
3. I love to laugh. - I always laugh at the most inappropriate times.
4. My laugh is absolutely the loudest thing you'll ever hear.
5. I'm pretty funny.
6. I am very outspoken.

7. I married my high school sweetheart. Some people thought we were crazy to get married so young, but I am so glad we did!
8. I'm about to graduate with my bachelors degree.
9. I am applying for the MBA program.

10. In less than a week I will see my family.
11. I have two dogs - it's a love hate relationship. Mainly they do what they want, when they want and I just yell or follow them.
12. My nails are painted, I imagine by noon the paint will be chipped off courtesy of myself.
13. I will never understand these glasses. They're gross and if C ever bought any, I'd throw them in the trash. The multi-colored lenses drive me nuts.

14. I will never understand drugs. I don't even like to take Tylenol, so I can't really imagine anything stronger. 15. I never thought I'd live in Mississippi. It's not so bad, but it's a different world.
16. I wish I could afford a chauffeur.  I am grateful to have the ability to drive and the finances to own a car, I just really don't like to drive.
17. I'm going to run the St. Jude Half Marathon with C. I'm also wearing a shirt in memory of a baby who lost his life too soon. #Harper
18. If I could have a lifetime supply of one restaurant it would be Chick-fil-A

19. My favorite store is Target. I am trying to avoid McDonalds and Walmart all together in 2014 and so far I've done very well. I'm hoping to help Target beat their sales for the last two years...
20. I can't wait to tell everyone about what I'm planning for my 30th birthday! It's a way to give back!

Alright party peeps - hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Small Towns, Food and Dogs.

Small Town 
So the ole MIL asked Baby M and I to accompany her to a benefit in her home town. The town is itty bitty and full of goodness. The benefit was packed with locals and full of amazing food. The red velvet cake I ate was hands down the best red velvet cake I've ever tasted. Baby M ate some baked beans off my plate and I think she saw Jesus on her first bite. Let's just say I couldn't put them in her mouth fast enough. Of course we were able to hang out with C's grandpa and he's always a blast. He loves Baby M and it's always a joy to see him try to make her laugh. 

When I say the town is small ... it's small. 

 The main road of houses 
 Right next to the police station
 The Library 

It was nice to get away from the busy streets and into a more relaxed atmosphere. I mean where else can you see a helicopter land in a field and see people taking pictures and videos . . . 

Friday night C worked really late, like so late that I tried really hard to keep Baby M up to see him. When he's coming home I see a text pop up that says "I have something for you." I had mentioned a while back that I really wanted an old door/window to put some pictures in. I just like using old things. Well I had priced a few out and they were not what I was looking for - at all, but I was going to make them work. Then I held off and just waited until I found exactly what I wanted. On Friday I walk out on the front porch and he said, "You'll have to clean it up, but look." He found this door rotting away and brought it home. I was so happy! I was happy to know he does listen to me when I talk, happy that he found the door and happy that I would get started on this project. Initially the door was to go in the entryway, but then I thought it'd be neat by the stairs. I really like that we kept the original paint and that the glass was missing. I love the door and I love that it came from C. Three cheers for fantastic husbands & free doors! 

So I love Corkys BBQ. It is my absolute favorite BBQ joint in Memphis. I know a lot of people think other places have great BBQ, but Corkys is my spot. C is more of a Tops BBQ fan, but I love me some Corkys. Of course Heaven agrees, because a Corkys just opened, minutes away from our house & it has a drive-thru. So let's just say I will visit quite often, like I wish I could go RIGHT now. 

Baby M's doctor said she can start eating real food. She loves food and I'm pretty sure this weekend was her favorite weekend so far. She was surrounded by food and tried bites from a lot of different things. **do not get crazy moms, she has not had eggs, real milk or cheese** She enjoys trying new things and it's funny to see her love it or hate it. She enjoyed some spaghetti from Corkys and then enjoyed biting on a rib bone for 10 seconds. 
Are we rednecks or what? 

 If you're in Memphis try these spots, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED:
Corkys - order the chicken, ribs and/or the BBQ nachos. 
Bardog - order the sliders, as they come. Ask for no sugar on the fries. 
Muddys - order anything, but absolutely try the Prozac. 
Young Avenue Deli - get the Philly & order the cheese fries. 
Fridas Mexican Restaurant - Order anything, you'll thank me later. 

These are not diet friendly places, but they're amazing places. 

Bed Hog
Saturday Night I could not sleep. I look over and C is completely hogging the bed. It's 2 am, so instead of punching him in the face arm, I just roll over and watch the clock. I finally get up and I notice this fella is consuming C's side of the bed. 

This is Blue our Boxer mix. To say I love him is an understatement. C and I fell in love with him at a friend's house. Her dog had just given birth and one night when we are visiting, we see him and his siblings. I remember laying eyes on him and then on the car ride home C starts begging for a dog. I finally give in and we pick this fella up January 1, 2006. 

I love this pup more than I love some people. What's amazing is that Baby M's first word was Blue. She hears us chant his name so many times throughout the day and weeks, that we've heard her on many occasions say Blue.  Of course, it sounds more like wool, but we know what she's saying. I hope she cherishes her time with Blue. I'm forever grateful for our friend inviting us to dinner that night and for C begging for a pup. Before anyone thinks I'm evil, we do have another dog, he's my dog. Blue is more of C's dog. Our other dog is truly evil and I love him. His name is Boomer and I'll write about him more in the future posts. He kinda deserves his very own post. 

Three facts about Blue: 

He can and will bite you. 
He bit a friend's pants once and it's not funny, but it is funny. Our friend was cheering for a Super Bowl play and when he jumped up, Blue bit his pant leg. Not his greatest moment, but definitely one for the books. 

He smells awful. 
He toots more than anyone I know and they are awful. These toots will make you leave the room and leave YOU embarrassed. His toots are sometimes silent, but always deadly. 

He's faithful. 
Whenever I cry, he drops whatever he is doing to come sit by me. He has been with C and I for about as long as we've been married. So throughout any of the rough times, he's been there. Blue was with us when we moved into our first apartment as a married couple, the first time we moved into our first house, the day we found out we were adopting Baby M, the day we brought her home, so many firsts. One thing I love the most about him is he adopted Baby M too. He has not missed a feeding, no matter the hour and he follows Baby M - wherever she goes, he goes.  

You're my boy Blue. 

It's a rainy mess & we saw a trolley bus catch on fire. Not a great start to the week - but we press on! Make this week super rad! 

Party on Peeps! 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Checking In . . .

Let's start with a laugh. I was on Pinterest and I saw this. It's pretty much hilarious. Anytime a girl is alone, just leave her the hell alone! 

If you know what's going on with our postal system then you know how happy I was to actually receive a package! Baby M's Easter basket has finally arrived. I splurged and figured she could use it for a lot of other cool things. She currently has Little People filling the basket. 

Help me out, what on earth do you put in a 10 month old's Easter Basket? I'm thinking Puffs & more Puffs. 

I hate flowers, like I don't love to get them delivered, I don't love to see them growing outside, but I love Floral Shops. Yes, I love going there and designing my own arrangement and seeing everything they have. Crazy, a little. I went to Holliday Flowers in Memphis and hands down had the best floral experience ever. They are professional, they are fast & friendly. I can't wait to go back! We believe in having beautiful fresh arrangements around the house, so I'll be back. 

Cody has an Aunt that can pretty much put anything together and make magic. We stopped in last summer and she had a chocolate pie. I mentioned that I wish I had her recipe. It was amazing and melted in your mouth. She mailed me the recipe and it's pretty fantastic. Plus aside from the meringue, crust and baking section, everything else is done via the microwave - #WIN 

If I've learned anything ... get recipes, don't wait. I wish I had gotten my mom's recipes before she went to Heaven. Her tortillas were out of this world! 

Baby M is obsessed with our iPhones. She likes to put them in her mouth and ruin the speaker. I say that because she has ruined C's phone. She had a super early doctors appointment and this was the 3 seconds that she wasn't acting like a wild woman. She had some blood work done and went through 3 bandages before we even left. She kept peeling them off or trying to eat them. Oh and that nice little scare happened when 8 adults were around, I was the only one who noticed she was bleeding. . . Nice. 
Yeah for Kids! 

I actually took part in my first ever consignment sale. I actually put things in the sale & one of the main reasons why... was so I could shop early. This sale is pretty amazing and everyone knows it. So I was able to shop a whole day before the general public. Guess what? So were a million other consignors ... Eeekkk! When I say it was crowded, it was CROWDED. Women shoppers are truly the worst, I am one of them. 

Three things you should know before going to a consignment sale: 

1. Bring a bag. 
 One of those bags that Bath and Body gives you to shop with, a large tote bag. 
Why? Because you cannot possible carry all of your goodies without one. You need it, thank me later. 

2. Come mentally prepared. 
Kids are screaming everywhere, why? Because moms and dads bring them to the sale with them. 
Kids are trying on clothes and shoes in the isle. I know it's a $1.50 shirt, but can't take the chance on it not fitting Junior. 
The checkout lines are long & very slow. 

3. Shop Fast 
Seriously some of the best items are ALWAYS in the big item section. Items that are normally $200 are in the section for $25. I am a huge fan of consignment sales for this reason! I was able to snag some really adorable clothes & cute toys. 

 Cute little Outfit 

 She's currently terrified of this lawnmower. Sorry Baby M, but when you're 10 you'll be best friends with the actual lawnmower, just ask Dad. 

Then I bought these beauties for $10. 
C is a drummer and also plays the guitar. So I have tried since before M was born to find a small set for her to start out with. I saw these and almost cried. Yes, they boy blue, but they are hers and she loves them. I'm not sure who loves them more, dad or baby. They played these drums for well over an hour after bath time. I will say I did have to get onto C about playing them so hard. Sheesh, they're a kids set, not the big boy ones. She loves him, so he could do no wrong, but I went to bed with a pounding head from his mini concert. 

Birthday Dude! 
This cool cat is turning the big 21. It's so weird because we are officially old. I remember seeing him with his Bieber hair and jamming in the youth band. He's going places and I'm so glad we are part of his journey. 
Keep Dreaming big! 

Alright, I leave you with this. . . Be kind to others. 
I choose to end with this, because lately a lot of people around me are experiencing troubles that are not always clear to others. It's true, everyone you meet is indeed fighting their own battle. The battle comes in the form of financial problems, abuse, family issues, health - whatever the issue it's their battle. If you do anything differently in April or even today, pray instead of judging and love instead of hate. 

Alright Partners, looking forward to a wild weekend of homework & family! 
Until Next Time Party Peeps! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Birthday Tribute

This one is for my dear sister who is remarkable. 

                                    Three reasons & memories

1. She's Always There. 
No matter how many times I've failed her, she's there. 
No matter how many times she's tried to talk me out of something, she's there when I fall. 
She's always been our rock, for our entire family. No matter the cost, distance or time she's there. A memory that I have of her, I choose to never forget, includes my mom. Something I'll share at a later date, is a blog post about my parents. They are both in Heaven and Rocking out like Rockstars. When my mom was ill, my sister knew more than what I knew. I was 12 at the time and she shielded my heart from sadness even then. She was a young buck herself, entering the college world, but she knew more than I did and she shielded me from harm, as she still does. She gave me this small animal to hold when I was scared. It was a small little animal and I carried that crazy thing with me everywhere. I know now that the weekend she randomly came home from college to give us this animal, is the same weekend that doctors were hoping to find out my mother's diagnosis and how long she would live. I'll never forget that moment and how you've always stood by me.  

2. She's A Silent Hero.  
My sister has helped so many people it's unreal. She gives from her heart, never asking for anything in return. I can't recall all the times when C and I were starting our life together, how scared and broke we were and we'd receive the most random card in the mail. "Thinking of you two today. Here's a $20 check, movies on me! love you. - J"  I know she and her husband have made countless sacrifices for family, friends and strangers. No matter the individual, she helps. I know first hand I have helped her wrap the 50 rice krispie treats she makes after a full day of work, the days she rushes off with less than 4 hours of sleep because she stayed on  the phone too long talking prom dresses with the niece,  the coupons she clips to send her friends and family, the bags of toys and clothes she unloads for children she'll never met. She is a silent hero to many and I believe her house in Heaven will be magnificent. 

3. Distance doesn't mean jack. 
My sister is a strong believer in making memories. So if it's the nieces state lacrosse tournament in another state, she's flying to make it. If it's Baby M's first weekend home, on a holiday weekend, she's driving to be there. The countless times she's driven or flew in to be at a moment that many take for granted, is endless. She will make every effort to be at any event and if she for some reason just can't make it, she calls or writes.  I remember the moment we announced our adoption. We told our families first and with fear in their eyes they hugged us, fear in their voices they congratulated us. Did C and I know what could happen in adoptions, sure. Were we scared, you have no idea. I'm not sure I've ever been more scared in my life.  I remember a moment when I called J. I called her to tell her Baby M was on her way. On the other end, I could hear the excitement, but I couldn't dismiss the fear in her voice. I knew she was scared of what could happen, but praying for what would happen. Before I hung up the phone, without hesitation she ended our call with saying, "I'm seriously only a phone call away to board a plane or to get to my car." 

In closing, on this special day a truly magnificent gal was born. I'm thinking God made her tougher than most, so when he was pouring that mix in her mold, I imagine he got side tracked and tossed another ounce in. I think God also molded her heart just a tad bit bigger than most. I always pray that Baby M takes pieces of us with her always, I pray she gets J's strength. She taught me to be strong, probably too strong. She taught me to look fear in the face and take it's lunch money. 

Happy Birthday To my Dear Sister!! 
Forever in my heart