I feel like for every single day that passes, a month passes. Does that make sense?
I have had such a great time these past few months, I'll try my best to include everything, but I've been busy livin' and hanging out with my super sweet radtastic family.
For starters, Mommy's day wasn't too long ago. In our family, we never wait to give gifts on actual birthdays, instead we just sorta give the gifts the second we get them. . . Yes, C has his Father's Day gift already. What can I say, we're too excited to wait! So on Friday night C and the girls walked in with some awesome gifts. If you know me, you know my heart is made of tortillas, so it's no surprise C got me a tortilla press! I'm not sure if that gift was more for me or for him. . . I mentioned my love for an instagram account and I mentioned how they released a book and how I'd love to have said book... C listens, when he wants, and bought me the book! Last, on Sunday C put up the world's greatest gift... a hammock. Everyone from the neighbor kids, to my family and strangers have truly enjoyed the hammock.

Before I forget, tomorrow I'll celebrate 3 months at my new job! I can honestly say, I'm forever grateful God pushed me through a door I wasn't ready to go through. I loved my old job, but I really enjoy the people who surround me now and my job. It's truly a blessing to work with such great people. The other day I was having the worst day I've had here and I walked into our warehouse and I heard something familiar. One of my favorite christian songs. I looked to one of the drivers and smiled. He said, "yeah, it's great they let us listed to this, huh?" I couldn't agree more. To work for a company who doesn't mind the melodies floating around and to hear others sing while they work... it's just something I hope to never take for granted, working with Christians is such a great gift.
Summer nights are among us, except something beautiful has happened... the weather isn't disgusting hot yet. Since I am home super early these days, we are enjoying the extra free time! The girls love hanging out outside and so do the pups!
Our almost 2 year old daughter had a grand celebration. Most of our family made the drive for the party and our close friends stopped in too! It was a great day for an outdoor party and we're so grateful for everyone who stopped by to help us celebrate. I'm just a little mad I didn't get a piece of cake, but I'll live. I'm pretty sure the kids had a blast, I mean a pinata, slide and moon bounce? Can you say good nap? So the parents win and the kids win, everyone wins!
Of course since my family was in town, we had to get a family picture, duh. So grateful for these clowns and all that they mean to me. I have never laughed so hard in my life and I'm sure Heads Up will never be the same. . .
And of course it seems as though our friends are either buying homes, making babies, or getting married. So it's party central always!
Cheers to our lovely friends who are home owners! Nothing says you own a home like a buffet full of delicious 1,000 calorie dishes and fun people!
I can't believe it's June, and I can't believe in just a few shorts weeks C and I will have a 2 year old daughter and I'll be married to a 31 year old hunk.
I promise to update more often!