Wednesday, February 26, 2014

10 things

It's been a hot minute since I've updated my blog. I know I'm a slacker, it happens.

Crazy to know February is almost over! Can you  believe it?

10 things I'm looking forward to:

1. I'm pretty pumped about the weather changing! This means Mercedes can actually run outside and not have to complain about freezing. I can deal with the heat, but not the cold. It messes my breathing up. Saying ADIOS to the dreadmill will make me smile.  
2. Time Change - means more daylight for everyone! This is important for me and C. He and I both like to do things outside, so having time to do them during the week is a huge win! When I say I like to do things, I mean I like to tell him how to do things outside.

3. Halfway through my last semester in college! I still can't believe that I will be done with my degree. It's bittersweet. I think the day my expensive paper degree comes in, I can feel it and see it, I'll cry a bit. I'll cry because I took a step and made something happen and because I can still hear my dad. He used to say, "In life everything can be taken from you, but your education will remain with you. When you learn something, it's forever part of you." I hate school, but I love my parents. I went to college for them. I did something they didn't have the privilege of doing, I know they're proud of me and my siblings, so this one is for you two!

4. Getting closer to running my half in Nashvegas! So we registered for a full marathon and then we realized that our then 5 month old wasn't a fan of her stroller and the weather was no bueno. So that left us with either running for 1 out of the 3 hours we have with her each weeknight, or reducing our race to a half and running less. We chose to run less and have more time with baby M. I know some say that's an excuse, that's cool, but it's our story and I'm sticking to it! We're proud to do the half marathon for St. Jude. To know an organization such as St. Jude exists, warms my heart and gives me hope that one day a cure will be found! 

5. My niece is joining the world very soon! Baby E is coming in March and I'm pretty happy. I'm so glad my sister in law has had a wonderful pregnancy. I'm glad my nephew E will have a sibling and I'm so glad the family is growing.

6. Grilling out more! I love food. I love food grilled the most.

7. Baby M getting teethies! I'm pretty sure baby M is getting super tired of us begging her to look in her mouth. We feel her gums a lot and she gets super cranky. I just wanna see the baby teethies!

8. Easter -  Baby M's first Easter will be celebrated with my family in Texas. That means they'll get to see her crawl for eggs or walk for eggs and they'll get to see her the whole weekend. This makes me super happy. Oh and we're going to my favorite place - Dallas, Texas. It's the place where I can eat my weight in Mexican food see my family! Side note, I ordered Maggie the most darling Easter basket. I also love working for a company who gives us Good Friday off, it's great.

9. We officially kick off vacation travel! We are going to be pretty busy from now until July 4th. Thankfully my family lives all over the place and we get to vacation in all these wonderful places! Look out Texas, Illinois, Florida & Tennessee we're coming your way!

10. Summer 2014! Our adorable nephew is going to spend a whole month with us! I'm pretty excited because I get to see him everyday for a month. I get to come home and talk to him about whatever it is, Baby M will get to see her cousin for a whole month, C will get to show him how to rock out on the drums & how to fart & burp then laugh do manly things.

I promise I won't delay in writing future posts! Until Next Time Party Peeps ...

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