Saturday, May 10, 2014

College Graduate

Today I graduate with my bachelors degree from the University of Mississippi.

 Baby M hates the hat as much as I do.

First things, first. I don't like school. In fact, I would rather sit on the couch than do most things, but then the pants get tight(er), opportunities are missed and TV isn't that great.

I started college in 2002 and between some long breaks, some reduced hours in some semesters, I'm finally finishing. The road to get here wasn't always clear, nor was it fun. I remember missing concerts, dinners, celebrations and much more. I'll never forget the time I was a genius and signed up for a Friday night class, because I thought it wouldn't be so bad. Why didn't anyone warn me of all the fun I'd miss and that taking English on Friday night was not cool? The finances to go to college weren't fun, the countless books, supplies and lab fees were always a bummer. I finished this race, my stride was slow, but I finished.

I'm sharing 10 things I learned in my years/decade of college. . .


1. Timing 
Everything has a due date, plan accordingly. I'm a whiz at writing essays, but procrastination shows in your grades. Whoopsy. 

2. Don't Read  
Teachers love to assign 8 books to read in a week, with 4 articles. Learn how to scan for the important stuff. 

3. Be on Time 
If you're late you'll probably miss a quiz or two. FML 

4. Eat before Class
I don't like to sit next to someone who is eating hot wings and drinking an orange pop. Also, if you think, I can wait... what if the teacher goes long, then the growling episodes begin. Story of my Life. 

5. Know your Adviser
My adviser is a life saver. She knew her stuff and was professional. The office staff doesn't want to help and they don't really know everything, so it's best to get the information from the person who does know everything about your major and classes. 

6. Be Nice. 
You will need some of your classmates from time to time. They will have notes for the class you missed because you were at that concert work thing. 

7. Money
It's expensive, so choose wisely. 
Talk to people who are further along in their educational journey than you are. Find out what they liked and didn't like about their majors. Talk to professional working people about their degrees. If you choose to take basket weaving classes, fine... 

8. Motivation 
Whatever journey you're on, haters want to board your train. Let them fuel your motivation, let them see you finish. If I had a nickle for every person who said, "you're still in school," I wouldn't have student loans. 
People always offer unwanted advice. Just remember those people probably don't have degrees and probably want what you have. 

9. Be You
Don't worry if you're not making an A, while working full time, married and have a newborn. Do your best.

10. Be Grateful 
I live in a country where women are valued and given equal rights. Unfortunately, not every woman is granted those opportunities. Be grateful you have homework, sit in air conditioned classes and have instructors to teach you.
Today I almost decided to not walk. I am walking today in honor of my parents. Those two paved the road to advance my education and pushed me to finish this degree. I'll never forget these opportunities & I'm forever grateful to know my parents worked hard and diligently to ensure I had a great future.

I kinda had a moment last weekend.
I wanted to tell C how much I appreciated him through this entire process and I started the ugly cry. The Kardashian cry
I cannot describe the sacrifice C has made, the countless times I came home crying because I was stressed to the max or the times I'd call him from school with good news. Whatever happened through this journey he experienced it too. I couldn't ask for a better friend to share life with.
Thanks for being my cheerleader Cody, it means the world to me.

I'll leave you with my Mother's Day gift. . .
I love pictures.
We decorate our house with pictures in unique frames and when C handed me this, I started crying.
Last Mother's Day C gave me a wonderful picture of Blue and Boomer.
I love this gift more than any other gift, I know it came from his heart, he knows my obsession with pictures.

Okay, let's knock this whole walking bit out so I can go kick butt in a kickball game! 

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