Thursday, July 24, 2014

Kitchen Party

Who loves Pinterest? I do. 
Who loves painting? Not Mercedes. 
Who decided to start a kitchen demo 2 days before vacation? Mercedes. 

We decided to demo our kitchen 2 days before heading to the beach. 
The weekend was full of hard work, cuss words & laughs. C's mom is always on board to help us navigate thru our wild and wacky ideas, so having her around made for some great laughs and good times. Seriously, if you don't have a good MIL life isn't the same. I'm grateful for her for a lot of reasons, but her humor is absolutely the main reason. 

So, I fell in love with open shelves & had to beg C to see my vision. He wasn't on board at all, then after some begging we started the project. The first place we headed was Lowes, they really do hire some great people. Everyone provided a lot of help and also gave us some great pointers. 

After Lowes we kicked off our kitchen party and immediately found ourselves working at 1 then 2 in the morning. 
The cabinets were removed, sanded, primed, painted and painted again. Then after drying they were stained. We wanted the antique look and it was pretty easy. If I can do it, anyone can do it. When I say I HATE painting, I HATE painting. I'd much rather work in the flower beds which is also something I despise. Painting and Mercedes do not mix. I can paint an empty room no problem, but a messy room is beyond stressful to me! 

Something I failed to mention... C was on call Friday & Saturday and also worked full days both days. After work he came home to bust his butt working on this kitchen. He'll never know how much I appreciate his hard work. 

If you want to test the strength of your marriage, renovate anything or build a house. I'm pretty sure C and I are here to stay. We've made it thru several renovations & home hunting, adoptions, infertility & numerous long trips! 😉

Yes, that's a chalkboard & I love it! 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Simple Life

The simple life. 
What does that actually mean? 
When I think about it, I think about my parents and my grandparents. The days where if you stayed at home on Friday night, it was okay. You weren't considered a loser and it was okay to want to be at home with your kids. 
The days if you didn't have the sickest ride, it was okay. 
Ah, the simple life. 

So when our pastor started a series a few weeks ago, talking about this very subject, my wheels started churning. How can Mercedes get back to this simple life, the life of enjoying what I have, the life of knowing I am blessed and rich! 

So here are 3 things I found out when reviewing my life and bringing back more of the simple and less of the crazy. 

If I have to meet you at a restaurant, bar or big event to spend time with you . . . 
Chances are, we really aren't that great of friends. 
Mercedes, don't go there. 
Yes, I said it. 
Does that mean we can't meet our friends for the occasional Mexican feast at Frida's, nope. 
What I do mean, is that it's okay if you come to my house for dinner, or if we come to your house for dinner, it still counts as quality time. 
In fact, the chances are we'll have an even better time! 
So be prepared for more dinner invites friends! 

Played an intense game of Heads Up 

My parents used to tell me all the time - Bored people get bored. 
That didn't matter when I was 15 years old, stuck at home dying of boredom. 
As I grow older, I finally realize fun doesn't have to involve spending crazy amounts of money or even booze. 
Some of my best memories of fun times, involve a kitchen table and Dr.Peppers, with a side of good conversation or playing any game with Mr. Rodgers. Competitive people make everything funny, especially if you're like me, the most non-competitive person alive. 
Yes, look for more game nights pals! 

I even have fun making sleeping beauty pictures of Baby M. 

Maggie dreams of spending our money! 

This is so weird because I'm married to the guy who loves technology. 
The inner nerd in all of us, loves everything about technology. 
Unfortunately, if we don't learn to separate from technology on the occasion, we'll miss out on some great moments. I'm pretty sure we've all seen the guy who won't put the phone down, or the girl who answers every text message, or the best is the girl who takes a picture of everything - her food, the hostess, the waiter... etc. How about the people who have text alerts - whomever invented those should be throat punched. If you're texting me a message, chances are it's not important. Pretty sure my family would call me in a crisis and not text me in a crisis. 
Don't be alarmed if we have a basket at said game/dinner nights where everyone puts their phone away! It's only a couple of hours, you'll survive. 

Live the Simple Life. 
It's good for your soul. 
Know you are Rich. 
Be grateful. 
Give with Love. 
It's the best way to give. 

- Mercedes 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Dad

Summer time and July always remind me of my Dad. 

When I was about 6 or 7 years old, I remember my dad walking up to the house, his lunch pal in his hand and his keys hanging on his hip. I remember how tired he looked approaching us, but the second he locked eyes with us, he would grin. He used to put his lunchbox on the porch and he'd juggle the soccer ball with us for a bit, then he'd go inside say hello to the others and our mom. He wouldn't stay inside long, he was always an outdoors kinda guy. 

I remember every night before bedtime we'd run out of the shower and jump in his lap. I have always been very vocal and too loud for my own good, so I'd start yelling from the end of the hall. He'd hear and he'd sit up and say, "let me smell!" When we'd pounce in his lap, he'd smell our hair. We used this strawberry shampoo and we'd always beg him to smell our hair. It was something we thought was hilarious and we always looked forward to it. 

I could paint a perfect picture of my dad, but it's not 100% true. My dad was human, made lots of mistakes, some that were unforgivable and some that made for great jokes, but nonetheless he was my dad. In my eyes he is without a doubt the strongest and most hardworking man I've ever met. 

3 things about My Dad: 

When someone measures strength they tend to think about weights and rep type information. 
Sure, my dad was physically strong, but more importantly he was emotionally strong and financially strong. 
My dad started his American dream by working towards gaining citizenship. He faced trial after trail through the process and never gave up. He worked whatever job was available and always provided for our family. He never received any government support, never wanted it and he never missed a day of work. He believed in hard work and believed in living within our means. 
He never had a credit card, never had a car note and owned his home within 5 years of purchasing it. 
My dad never made over minimum wage and raised 8 kiddos and my mom was a stay at home mom. 
He is hands down the reason why I love finances so much and the reason why I think I love to work. Yes, I love to work, you read that right. 

My dad never dressed with the trends, he wore what he wanted to wear and was totally cool with it. He was his own man. When he entered a room you could tell he was confident. I remember when I was interviewing for my very first job, he told me, "Meche, walk in like you have the job." I laughed because I thought it was silly advice, but he was right. Walk in with confidence and it'll show. He was the type of guy who stood when a woman entered the room and he was the guy who never let a woman pay, always opened the door for a woman and always carried the heavy bags. 

He was absolutely proud of all of us. 
He pushed us so hard at everything we did, but he really promoted and pushed for higher education. He drilled educational goals in our heads and made sure we understood college was not an option. I remember walking into his janitor's office one day, maybe about 6 months before he passed and seeing his wall. It was more of a shrine. His small wall, the small closet where he sat each day on his breaks, this is where he would clip every newspaper article about us. I saw the article about my sister receiving honors, the article about me on the homecoming court, how about the one where Fran was in ROTC. All of the articles were lined and taped on the wall. I never knew the wall existed and when I saw it, he laughed and said, "I love seeing you guys in the paper. I love to talk about your accomplishments and goals." 

My dad lived through his kids. 
The opportunities he had were slim, but he did the best with what he was given. 
He was never ungrateful and forever humble. 

I'll never forget the day I told him I was moving to Tennessee. I was terrified, I sat on his front porch and waited for him to get home. 
I remember seeing his car pull in the driveway and him with a puzzled look on his face. 
When he opened the door he said, "Meche, it's hot out here, why aren't you inside?" 
I laughed, because it was an August day and he's right, it was about 105 outside. 
I stopped him before we entered the house and I told him I wanted to move. 
My voice trembled because I was scared about his reaction. 
Would he hate me for moving so far, would he be mad, what if he got sick? 
He looked at me, those hazel eyes and said, "Will you go to college there?" 
I laughed and said, "Of course." 
He told me he liked Cody and that he wanted me to be careful. 
I remember the silence that followed and his nose sniffle and him pretending it was the weather that caused it. 
I remember crying and hugging him, telling him that I would visit. 

A few months passed and I remember jogging in my room to answer my phone. 
It was my sister and she said I needed to come to Oklahoma as quick as possible.
I was scared for a lot of reasons, but mainly because I had never driven on the interstate by myself. 
I remember making the drive, watching the sun go down, getting calls every 2 hours to see where I was. 
I remember arriving in Norman and making the last leg of the drive with my two siblings and my brother in law. 
I remember the horrible storm that was coming, seeing lighting in the distance and falling asleep on the 3 hour drive. 
I remember waking up to my brother's loud ring tone and hearing him briefly talk on the phone, saying, "but we're 10 miles away, I can see the Altus sign." 
I remember him hanging up and telling us the bad news. 
I remember walking in and seeing him there, no longer alive, his spirit in Heaven. 
He was handsome, he was and will forever be my dad. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Perfect Weekend

Do you ever feel like you had the perfect weekend? 
I absolutely loved this past weekend. 

Thursday night really started our long weekend. The weather was so perfect, like incredibly perfect-o. 

C was running a race with a friend, so it was nice to watch on this great weathered evening. 
To top it off, we drove the chevelle with the windows down and yelling as we tried to hear each other talk. 
Lot's of people want muscle cars, until they realize the majority don't have air conditioning, then the cool-hipster vibe dies. Thankfully, we rocked the windows down and the wind was on our side. 

I still believe if C would devote some time to training, he could kill a full marathon. The boy is fast and doesn't ever run or workout. I pretty much hate him. 

A fireman climbing to place the flag on the ladder

C running

Friday, we celebrated the 4th with our church gang. It was again, great weather and lots of crazy drivers to make the night perfect. I wasn't sure if I should watch the crowds trying to park or the fireworks. Baby M wasn't impressed with the fireworks, in fact she thought it was kinda lame-o. She was more intrigued at waving at people, eating chips and riding in her car. She thinks she's royalty. . .  I'm not sure if royalty eats as many hot dogs as she does. 

M's face the entire night. #notimpressed
I left the shin dig a little early, trying to beat the crazy traffic, but C told me our pastor turned on the same song that the Sandlot played when the fireworks were going off. I'm pretty much obsessed with that movie, so I got a little teary eyed. If you've never seen the Sandlot, you and I are no longer friends. Do yourself a favor and watch this clip,

Saturday was wonderful too! C and I enjoyed the day, lounging and spending time with Baby M. We headed to our friend's house to celebrate another June birthday! Her kids are always a blast to be around and Baby M loved eating the delicious cake and ice cream too! 

Seriously, hands down, the best tasting cake Mercedes has ever eaten. I know my cakes too, I make cakes and I love to eat cakes, so trust me, it was divine. I wish I had taken a fork straight to the cake. It was that good. 

Said Cake
Oh and the birthday girl too. : ) 

After the party we headed to watch Tammy and it was so amazing. I love Melissa McCarthy's humor, probably way too much. 

Sunday was pretty grand - some swimming, some good food and ending the long weekend just hanging out with Baby M. 

It was so nice to spend time with my two favorite people and to celebrate my favorite country.