What does that actually mean?
When I think about it, I think about my parents and my grandparents. The days where if you stayed at home on Friday night, it was okay. You weren't considered a loser and it was okay to want to be at home with your kids.
The days if you didn't have the sickest ride, it was okay.
Ah, the simple life.
So when our pastor started a series a few weeks ago, talking about this very subject, my wheels started churning. How can Mercedes get back to this simple life, the life of enjoying what I have, the life of knowing I am blessed and rich!
So here are 3 things I found out when reviewing my life and bringing back more of the simple and less of the crazy.
If I have to meet you at a restaurant, bar or big event to spend time with you . . .
Chances are, we really aren't that great of friends.
Mercedes, don't go there.
Yes, I said it.
Does that mean we can't meet our friends for the occasional Mexican feast at Frida's, nope.
What I do mean, is that it's okay if you come to my house for dinner, or if we come to your house for dinner, it still counts as quality time.
In fact, the chances are we'll have an even better time!
So be prepared for more dinner invites friends!
My parents used to tell me all the time - Bored people get bored.
That didn't matter when I was 15 years old, stuck at home dying of boredom.
As I grow older, I finally realize fun doesn't have to involve spending crazy amounts of money or even booze.
Some of my best memories of fun times, involve a kitchen table and Dr.Peppers, with a side of good conversation or playing any game with Mr. Rodgers. Competitive people make everything funny, especially if you're like me, the most non-competitive person alive.
Yes, look for more game nights pals!
I even have fun making sleeping beauty pictures of Baby M.
This is so weird because I'm married to the guy who loves technology.
The inner nerd in all of us, loves everything about technology.
Unfortunately, if we don't learn to separate from technology on the occasion, we'll miss out on some great moments. I'm pretty sure we've all seen the guy who won't put the phone down, or the girl who answers every text message, or the best is the girl who takes a picture of everything - her food, the hostess, the waiter... etc. How about the people who have text alerts - whomever invented those should be throat punched. If you're texting me a message, chances are it's not important. Pretty sure my family would call me in a crisis and not text me in a crisis.
Don't be alarmed if we have a basket at said game/dinner nights where everyone puts their phone away! It's only a couple of hours, you'll survive.
Live the Simple Life.
It's good for your soul.
Know you are Rich.
Be grateful.
Give with Love.
It's the best way to give.
- Mercedes
We aren't the best of friends, but we sure think alike! :) ~ Buffy