Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hey 2015

First time blog for 2015

I still can’t believe Christmas is over and that January is among us, a whole new year!

I’ll recap a little from the holidays:

Christmas Fun
First, we aren’t like the normal television show type families. We don’t actually open presents, sit by a fire and eat mounds of food on Christmas Day. We actually, celebrate all throughout the month of December. We gather with our family, friends and really go to town on celebrating!
The Brothers
On Christmas Eve our church has an amazing candlelight service. The worship team sings their heavenly renditions of Christmas carols and our pastor finishes with the reading of the Christmas story. Every year I cry, every year. If you’re never read the Christmas story, do it. To hear about the trials they faced, to relive that magical moment, is such a great experience, better than any babysitter’s club book I ever read. After the church service we invite our friends over for dinner, gifts and games.  The night goes well into Christmas morning and it’s always a blast.

Special thanks for everyone that stopped by, called or mailed us some love. While Christmas is truly a special time of year, may we always remember to share the goodness throughout the entire year.  

New Years Goodness 
New Years was interesting. The neighbor kids were partying with fireworks and I was praying baby M didn’t wake up. She of course slept like a champ while mom worried. Ah, the joys of mom hood.  New Year’s Day, C was on call for work, so we partied at home, aka my favorite. It was such a chill day, it was an awesome day. It was nice to spend some time together as a family and really just relax.

Wild New Years Eve 
Live band NYE 

Baby Talk 
Of course, I can’t end this post without a baby update. Right? That’s what all you selfish people care about, right? I’m kidding!

If you've lived under a rock for the past 3 months, you’re confused right now. It’s okay, just go back under your rock.

We’re adopting a baby! Guess what? She was due on January 5th!
Guess what? Birth mom is overdue and miserable.
So the doctor set a date to induce our momma bear.
Baby J's House 

We are prepping for her arrival by watching mounds of TV, sleeping through the night, washing bottles, prepping diapers, showering, eating with both hands – we’re ready!
Many people have asked – “what can we do, how can we help?”
Our response . . .

Pray – for our birth mom, Baby J and Baby M and well you can add us in there too.
While we understand we’re going through the adoption process aka roller coaster again, there are two sides of every story & situation. Our side is pleasant, we’re bringing home a new baby and all her goodness! The other side isn't always peaches and gold. So please pray for strength, wisdom and healing through this entire process.

Drop a million dollars off on our front porch.

Share our story with others. Not in a creepy way, but in a beautiful way. 

Don’t be afraid for us. Do failed adoptions happen, absolutely? Are we speaking bad thoughts over our adoption, absolutely not. What we are asking, is that you walk with us through the good and the bad, know we are not afraid. We are worried and nervous; I mean Baby J is a newborn, hello. But we are not afraid.

Last, thank you for your love & support. We have received so much love, I mean it. The amount of love and hope our family, friends and complete strangers have given us is beyond words. To the people who send texts every day, to the ones that surprise us with gifts, to the ones who have prayed with us, to the ones that let us vent, Thank You.

Be good, do good!

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