Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Are you tired? 
Well, join the club. 

This weekend Baby M and I drove some miles to celebrate her oldest sister's birthday. 

The birthday party was so adorable, lots of cuteness and wild kids = great party. 
I personally was so hot, that I wanted to shove the entire package of ice cream cups in my face and then pass out under the tree. 
Birthday Singing (said ice cream cups)

 This birthday party was pretty rad because both of Maggie's sisters attended and I was able to snag some pictures of them together! The collage pretty much shows how hard it is to take a picture of three wild gals. 

Before heading home, I did a quick airport run to pick up my nephew. Since I was headed out for the birthday party, we had my nephew fly to that airport. He's going to spend a few weeks with C and I. I think he's enjoying his trip so far, especially when on the first day he tells me, "I wish I could move here." 

So far he's become obsessed with the ATV, loves the neighbor kids and begs to do yard work. 
I came home from the grocery store and he was chopping a small tree down. I try not to ask questions anymore, as nothing surprises me anymore. 

The Random Acts of Kindness are still a'flowing. On Sunday before heading to the grocery store I noticed two older kids and a little girl riding their bikes. Then I noticed the brother letting her ride on his bike, while the other brother was pushing a bike while trying to also steer/ride his bike. 
It was so hot outside. 
Both of the brothers looked miserable. 

So Mercedes offers them a ride, they're great to refuse from a stranger - which I loved! I'm so glad they declined because it shows they were raised to never trust a stranger, I'm 100% okay with that! So I offered another solution, toss the tot's bike in C's truck and I'll follow you three home. The lived about a mile and a half from the house, so I probably looked like a stalker or a parade going by with the ole hazard lights flashing. . . 

3 cheers for awesome brothers

Wishin' everyone a super rad week! If you live in Memphis, hope you enjoy wearing rain boots. 

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