Monday, March 9, 2015

Hey, Hey, Heeeeyyyy!

It’s hard for me to believe it’s really March, it seems like it should still be January. I also won't talk about how much I don't love snow or ice . . . 

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything and here’s why:

I seriously can’t tell you what I do in 24 hours, but somewhere in there . . . I make meals, feed babies, clean, work full time, clean some more, kiss babies, spend time with C and oh, I sleep sometimes. My days seem to pass by faster than I’d like to admit and I’m just hanging on for the ride.

Our little family grew by one in mid January and it’s been fun and wild! Baby M tends to be very needy these days, almost whiny. Baby J fights her sleep and demands to be held a lot. Would we trade the bad days with either one, absolutely not. Sometimes I still feel like we won the lottery, chosen to parent these two beauties. It’s also pretty rad to parent with such a great partner in crime, Cody. He and I work pretty well together, even when we both want to cry.

I know I briefly mentioned the new baby, but to add some spice to life, I also lost my job about 2 weeks ago. It was a complete shock to me and to be honest, I’m still completely shocked and a little sad. I really did love my job, but I really loved the team I worked for the most. I had the privilege of working alongside some of the nicest, strongest and greatest people. I know God had and still has a plan, it’s just waiting to see it through, that makes the inpatient side of me want to scream! I will say, that God opened up a door, for me to go and work for a great company. I started last week and the employees are super great, so inviting and the atmosphere there is healthier than the last. Things have changed for us with my new gig, but I can already see the goodness coming from the job change.

I’ll write more when time allows, but I have to do this crazy thing… you know, get ready for work….

Whatever you take from this post, please always carry with you just how great God and love is.  Thank you to the family, friends, our amazing church peeps for helping us through these crazy and wild transitions. Seriously, I can’t explain how much your support means to me!

<3 Mercedes

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