Monday, April 28, 2014


Hello Nashville, TN

What happens when you ask your awesome husband to run a race, an out of town race? 
He agrees. 

What happens when you don't train? 
You almost die. 

What happens when it's 70 degrees when you run? 
You contemplate taking your own life. 

Hello Weekend Recap. 

So in January I asked C to run a race with me, livin' it up in our last months of being 29 . . . 
Well, it sounded great. Then we didn't train, then I didn't check the elevation until the week before, then I became obsessed with honey buns and soda... 

We arrived Friday night and were greeted by the greatest hostess, C's cousin and her family. 
I'm pretty sure no one cared that we arrived, they just needed Baby M. She was treated like a celebrity all weekend, partied with the kiddos and ate more plants than normal. 

I found videos on my phone this morning of these cuties playing with Baby M. In the video Baby M eats some household plants, dirt and almost eats a My Little Pony figure. Making memories should always involve eating. 

 President & Vice President of Baby M's fan club. 

The night before the race our dogs and Baby M hosted a private party. The dogs wanted to walk around the entire room all night, dancing and serving drinks. Baby M wanted to roll around and  host her own dance party in her bed. So needless to say, sleeping before the race did not happen. 

5 am rolls around and we're up to start getting ready for the race. I'm pretty sure C and I questioned loving each other at that very moment. Then to make matters a little more entertaining - traffic was a mess, momma nature was on crack and parking spots were a myth. 

The race is going pretty good, sure the hills are the devil, but overall the 70 degree weather is okay. Then I get to mile 8 and I want to die. I'm not sure what it was, but mile 8 was when I starting seeing Jesus. I saw the light, but resisted, I wanted to finish and get the medal. 

The race was a little different. The hills are no joke and should not be taken lightly. I'm pretty sure C and I will be retiring from longer runs, after we finish the Mercedes Benz half in Birmingham. Overall, I'm good on long runs... I like honey buns and soda, we like not training, we're officially team #5K's. 


Not only did the race provide some heart palpitations, the NBA playoffs are keeping my health at risk. So glad to see the boys pull out the win, tying up the score! Sometimes I can't watch the games, especially the endings. I love Oklahoma and I know a lot of people love their state. I think it's awesome when people support their state! With that, I think it's great to support them when they're up and when they're down. I wore my OKC Thunder shirt during the race and I heard a lot of people say "Yeah, Oklahoma!" It's always good to hear love for my state! 


Storms greeted us on Sunday morning and this morning. Every storm makes me think of Oklahoma. When I was growing up we never took storms lightly. We always listened to the radio and stayed close to shelter, had a plan in case things got really scary. I have only seen one tornado, but I've seen miles and miles of damage. I guess in the storms, I remember the lives lost. While some think about how cool the storm looks, I think of all the people dreading and fearing the worst. When you see devastation in your home town, your state, you know it's real. 
As the crazy weather season approaches, think wisely and plan wisely. 
My morning view of the storms rolling in 

Alright party peeps, make this week super amazing! My evil twin will be in full affect as I take my finals, one week away from graduation week. . . 

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