Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Birthday Tribute

This one is for my dear sister who is remarkable. 

                                    Three reasons & memories

1. She's Always There. 
No matter how many times I've failed her, she's there. 
No matter how many times she's tried to talk me out of something, she's there when I fall. 
She's always been our rock, for our entire family. No matter the cost, distance or time she's there. A memory that I have of her, I choose to never forget, includes my mom. Something I'll share at a later date, is a blog post about my parents. They are both in Heaven and Rocking out like Rockstars. When my mom was ill, my sister knew more than what I knew. I was 12 at the time and she shielded my heart from sadness even then. She was a young buck herself, entering the college world, but she knew more than I did and she shielded me from harm, as she still does. She gave me this small animal to hold when I was scared. It was a small little animal and I carried that crazy thing with me everywhere. I know now that the weekend she randomly came home from college to give us this animal, is the same weekend that doctors were hoping to find out my mother's diagnosis and how long she would live. I'll never forget that moment and how you've always stood by me.  

2. She's A Silent Hero.  
My sister has helped so many people it's unreal. She gives from her heart, never asking for anything in return. I can't recall all the times when C and I were starting our life together, how scared and broke we were and we'd receive the most random card in the mail. "Thinking of you two today. Here's a $20 check, movies on me! love you. - J"  I know she and her husband have made countless sacrifices for family, friends and strangers. No matter the individual, she helps. I know first hand I have helped her wrap the 50 rice krispie treats she makes after a full day of work, the days she rushes off with less than 4 hours of sleep because she stayed on  the phone too long talking prom dresses with the niece,  the coupons she clips to send her friends and family, the bags of toys and clothes she unloads for children she'll never met. She is a silent hero to many and I believe her house in Heaven will be magnificent. 

3. Distance doesn't mean jack. 
My sister is a strong believer in making memories. So if it's the nieces state lacrosse tournament in another state, she's flying to make it. If it's Baby M's first weekend home, on a holiday weekend, she's driving to be there. The countless times she's driven or flew in to be at a moment that many take for granted, is endless. She will make every effort to be at any event and if she for some reason just can't make it, she calls or writes.  I remember the moment we announced our adoption. We told our families first and with fear in their eyes they hugged us, fear in their voices they congratulated us. Did C and I know what could happen in adoptions, sure. Were we scared, you have no idea. I'm not sure I've ever been more scared in my life.  I remember a moment when I called J. I called her to tell her Baby M was on her way. On the other end, I could hear the excitement, but I couldn't dismiss the fear in her voice. I knew she was scared of what could happen, but praying for what would happen. Before I hung up the phone, without hesitation she ended our call with saying, "I'm seriously only a phone call away to board a plane or to get to my car." 

In closing, on this special day a truly magnificent gal was born. I'm thinking God made her tougher than most, so when he was pouring that mix in her mold, I imagine he got side tracked and tossed another ounce in. I think God also molded her heart just a tad bit bigger than most. I always pray that Baby M takes pieces of us with her always, I pray she gets J's strength. She taught me to be strong, probably too strong. She taught me to look fear in the face and take it's lunch money. 

Happy Birthday To my Dear Sister!! 
Forever in my heart 

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